
Kit de sondas de detección de
ruptura de genes MYC

MYC gene break apart probe detection kit

MYC proto-oncogene is located on chromosome 8q24 and encodes a transcription factor that regulates cell growth. It is mainly activated by amplification and chromosome translocation rearrangement, and its downstream target genes affect cell proliferation, DNA and protein synthesis and metabolism. In recent years, MYC gene abnormalities have become an important indicator of poor prognosis in patients with DLBCL.

Probe description

MYC dual color break apart probe is a two directly labeled hybrid probes that hybridize at the 8q24.21 region. The probe directly labeled with the orange-red fluorescent dye hybridizes with the proximal end of the MYC gene, and the green fluorescent-labeled probe hybridizes with the distal end of the MYC gene.

Clinical significance  

MYC gene breaks in 5%-10% of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and the survival time is significantly shorter than that of normal patients is. MYC gene break, BCL2 gene break or BCL6 gene break can be used for the diagnosis of double-hit lymphoma (DHL).


  • Savage et al., Blood. 2009 Oct 22;114(17):3533-7
  • Seo et al., Ann Lab Med. 2012 Jul;32(4):289-93


Product size: 100μL FISH probe ( |  ) + Pretreatment reagent (10 tests) + Antifade staining solution DAPI (10 tests).