
Kit de sondas de detección de
ruptura del gen IGH

IGH gene break apart probe detection kit

IGH separated dual-color probe is designed to detect translocation of the IGH gene at chromosome 14q32.33. IGH gene rearrangement can be used as a specific molecular marker for detecting minimal residual disease of DLBCL. IGH gene breaks and translocations occur in 50% of B cell NHL and various other lymphomas, and can translocate with more than 50 genes.

Probe description

IGH is a dual-color break apart probe, consisting of two probes directly labeled at 14q32.33. The probe labeled with orange-red fluorescence hybridizes at the IGH gene proximal end, while the probe labeled with green fluorescence hybridizes with the distal end of the IGH gene.

Clinical significance  

The fusion of the IGH gene with a variety of genes can be used for diagnosis, especially for B-cell and T-cell NHL, non-classical HL, and reactive hyperplasia that are not characterized by histopathology and immunohistochemistry. These tests are helpful for the diseases diagnosis.


  • Bernicot I, et al. (2007) Cytogenet Genome Res 118: 345-52.
  • Hehne S, et al. (2012) Pathol Res Pract 208: 510-7


Product size: 100μL FISH probe ( |  ) + Pretreatment reagent (10 tests) + Antifade staining solution DAPI (10 tests).