
Kit de sondas de detección de
ruptura del gen IGH

IGH gene break apart detection probe kit

IGH gene (encoding the immunoglobulin heavy chain) rearrangement has been proved to be an early event in the MM ladder molecular pathogenesis, usually occurring at the 14q32 region. The breakpoints are mainly in the D and J regions, occurring in about 50% to 60% of MM patients. Partner chromosomes of the IGH gene translocation mainly include 11q13 (BCL1/CCND1), 4p16.3 (FGFR3), 16q23 (MAF), 20q11 (MAFB) and 6p21 (CCND3).

Probe description

IGH is a dual-color break apart probe consisting of two probes directly labeled at 14q32.33, in which the orange-red fluorescent-labeled probe hybridizes to the proximal end of the IGH gene, while the green fluorescent-labeled probe hybridizes to the IGH gene distal end.

Clinical significance  

IGH gene break and translocation types are complex and involve multiple genes, commonly found in ALL/MM/lymphoma; can be used to detect abnormalities and minimal residual lesions of IGH gene; IGH gene break apart can be used as a marker for malignant cloning of myeloma cells, not affected by clinical stages and immune types, it can be used as a strong basis for MM diagnosis.


  • Bernicot I, et al. (2007) Cytogenet Genome Res 118: 345-52.
  • Hehne S, et al. (2012) Pathol Res Pract 208: 510-7.
  • Quintero-Rivera F, et al. (2009) Cancer Genet and Cytogenet 190: 33-9.


Product size: 100μL FISH probe ( |  ) + Pretreatment reagent (10 tests) + Antifade staining solution DAPI (10 tests).