
Kit de sondas de detección de la
amplificación del gen MDM2

MDM2 gene amplification detection probe kit

MDM2 gene is located in the q15 region of chromosome 12, and the encoded P90 protein can bind to P53 gene, causing P53 gene to lose its normal function, leading to tumorigenesis.

Probe description

MDM2 gene amplification probe uses an orange-red dye to label the MDM2 gene region, and a green chromosome to label chromosome 12 centromere region (CEP12). MDM2 gene marker region is located at 12q15, and the CEP12 probe adopts an alpha satellite sequence, which has extremely high specificity and does not hybridize with other chromosome centromeres to produce noisy spots.

Clinical significance  

MDM2 gene amplification is the most common abnormality in fibrosarcoma and can assist in the diagnosis of fibrosarcoma; this gene amplification also occurs in osteosarcoma (16%) and esophageal cancer (13%). Used to guide the treatment of MDM2 inhibitors.


  • Larousserie F, et al. (2013) Eur J Radiol 82: 2149-53.
  • Lokka S, et al. (2014) BMC Clin Pathol 14: 36.


Product size: 100μL FISH probe ( |  ) + Pretreatment reagent (10 tests) + Antifade staining solution DAPI (10 tests).